"Are Your Liabilities And Claims HauntingYou And Keeping You Awake At Night?" Which of the following do you lose sleep over?- Nightclub Security. Have your security personnel received appropriate training in how to treat patrons who are obnoxious, intoxicated and must be removed from your business, or breaking up fights and altercations? Civil liability related to use of force can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. There's a good possibility that if you have a personal injury to a patron, this could result in a lawsuit.
- Identification Process. Do you have a standard policy - NO VALID ID - NO ADMITTANCE. No matter what! And does everyone follow this policy. Do you have a method for checking the identification and recognizing fake, false or altered identification? It's a violation to allow underage drinking in nightclub establishments. Having a policy with security/staff personnel thoroughly trained in checking identification is of the utmost importance in keeping your business in business.
- Assault & Battery Incidents. As mentioned, this can be a Nightclubs worst nightmare. Without proper coverage for Assault & Battery - if a fight or altercation develops and a patron is seriously injured - your business could be sued for millions of $$. Some business owners THINK they have this coverage, but don't. Read your policy to ensure you're covered. If you don't have it, fire your Agent!
- Is Your Dance Floor A Hazard? Do you have proper lighting around the dance floor if there's an elevated step? A mere fall could result in a liability. Statistics show that most fights begin in establishments that generate high revenue from the attraction of the dance floor. Do you allow drinking on the dance floor? Any spills or slippery areas could be a hazard for slips and falls and cause serious physical injury. Another liability waiting to happen.
- Do You Have A Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan? Recent tragedies have brought to the forefront the issue of keeping patrons safe in the event of a fire. Is your staff prepared if there should be a major fire? Are all exits displayed properly and well-lighted? Are exit doors easily accessible in case of an emergency and not blocked? Do you have a sprinkler system in case of a fire? People are still looking at the Rhode Island fire that killed 100+ people. Do you remember what happened to those owners? Take the necessary steps to ensure your business is safe without the worry of fire.
- Do You Carry A Sufficient Amount of Liquor Liability Coverage? Responsible alcohol service is every employee's job within a licensed establishment. Bartenders, servers, security and management should be trained to recognize already intoxicated or those on their way to becoming an intoxicated individual. Do they know when to "cut someone off?" An accident after leaving your establishment could result in an extreme liability. In this day of sue-happy lawyers, make sure your establishment is properly covered by liquor liability. There are additional costs involved, but what's the alternative if you have a major claim and you're not completely covered. Make sure you KNOW what your coverage says and don't just assume. Costs could be coming out of your pocket.
- Do You Have a Policy of Properly Documenting Incidents That Could Result In A Claim? Documentation of important incidents can be a valuable money saving tool. Be sure to complete an Incident Report for all important ad serious incidents. You could use an Incident Log for smaller incidents. Make sure your staff uses this documentation procedure. It can cover both your business and employee if a criminal or civil issue arises.
If you don't want anymore Nightclub Nightmares, evaluate your business and see how you rate yourself.
Now is the time to be
proactive and get your business in shape. From an insurance standpoint,
you make yourself more of an exceptional insurance risk when you have made an
effort to ensure your business is the best it can be, with policy and procedures that everyone follows, employees who are trained and certified in
alcohol awareness, and you've ensured your venue is truly safe for
everyone who enters. Also, having the right insurance coverage for your business is
imperative. This site is designed to give you information that will be helpful in making sure your Nightclub meets the requirements for the
best, most
cost effective insurance coverage possible. Don't want anymore Nightclub Nightmares?
Email me at
brianhanson@choiceinsurance.net and let me know where I can assist you.