Thursday, October 23, 2008

~Top Nightclub, Bar, & Restaurant owners say putting the following plans into action will help reduce your losses and increase profits:~

As a Nightclub, Bar, or Restaurant owner you run a business that offers a potential risk not only to your employees but to the customers who frequent your establishment. As a responsible business owner it is vital that you have specific procedures in place for all areas of your business to ensure your employees know exactly what you expect from them to help safeguard your patrons and your employees.
Insurance Carriers look favorably on establishments that have taken the initiative to set up Policies and Procedures for their business. Be sure to review procedures with your staff and make sure they sign off that they have read and understand the policy and procedures for your business.

  1. 1. Have an Alcohol Awareness Program for all servers, bartenders, and security personnel.
  2. Have a Formal Policy & Procedures Manual established for the following:Selling/serving beverages to those who appear intoxicated.
    § - Designated driver program & Age identification
    § - Calling a taxi cab for those who appear intoxicated or ensuring they have safe ride.
    § - Documenting incidents when they take place. A MUST!
  3. Have a Nightclub Security Policy Manual to ensure your security personnel, whether your employees or a security firm, are properly trained in the use of physical force or altercations, alcohol awareness, and identification checks.
  4. Have an Emergency Evacuation Plan should you have a fire or disaster at your establishment. This lets your employees know exact how to respond to an emergency.
  5. Have a Workplace Safety Plan to ensure a safe workplace environment, the key ingredient to proper attitude toward safety.
  6. Have a Business Disaster/Restoration Plan for your business ensuring you get your business operational right away should you have a fire or major disaster that shuts you down for an extended period of time.

Do you have these controls in place to ensure your business is covered and that employees and patrons are protected? Have all your employees read, understand, and signed off on your Policy and Procedures? If not, Why? By following the plan above it could help reduce your losses and increase your profits!

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